UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on
Population, Development and Reproductive Health

UK Parliamentarians supporting national and global initiatives to increase access to sexual and reproductive health and rights


15 July 2024 - 4:00-4:30pm

Room W2, off Westminster Hall

Sustainable development through sexual and reproductive health and rights

Founded in 1979, the APPG on PDRH is a long-standing feature of the UK Parliament. MPs and Peers from all political parties work together to promote and use its influence to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development (‘the Cairo Conference’) Programme of Action, with particular reference to stabilising the world’s population through choice and ensuring sustainable development. The APPG on PDRH seeks to influence the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s development budget and policies to achieve universal access to family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights.


Learn more about our objectives and committee members

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Find out more about our activities in- and outside of Parliament


Access reports by the APPG on a range of topics related to our mission